Mike Bigelow has busily plied his trade in spot comedy, delivering notable work for Alltel, Bud Light ("Beer Bunker"), Burger King, CDW, Cheerios, Kellogg's, National, and Verizon. He's complemented that work with more serious fare, including the powerful "Empty World" spot for Partnership for a Drug-Free America via Leo Burnett. A graduate of UCLA Film School, Bigelow has garnered a reputation for delivering visually arresting and often effects-oriented spots, with Miller, Cartoon Network, and Canadian Club counted among his notable ad projects. He began his career as a motion animator with the visual effects company Dream Quest Images, where he designed and directed motion animation for dozens of films throughout the 80's. Subsequently, he worked as a Technical Director on several films including "The Abyss" and "Total Recall". Bigelow was also the technical director on several commercial projects for clients such as Polaroid, Dodge, Pepsi, and GE. Bigelow began his directing career with spots for Miller Genuine Draft, Disney, McDonald's, Sun Microsystems, and Sprint. Successful tenures with HKM Productions and Coppos Films also yielded national campaigns for Carl's Jr., Sega, Chrysler, Coors, Coke, and Molson. Mike Bigelow has received numerous awards and accolades, including Cannes Lions, a London International Advertising Award, a Bessie Award for Best Commercial Director, and an EMMY Award nomination for Outstanding Achievement in Commercial Direction.